

Hi! My name is Becca and for the first 8 years of my life I was homeschooled by my mom who really just emphasized art and reading. One day I asked her to send me to “real school” where I eventually learned math and the other subjects. My mom always told me that “art has no mistakes” and I guess I grew up with a creative foundation.

On top of that, there are a lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs in my family (my mom and dad included). I learned that it is possible to create a business and be your own boss!

That’s where XO Bakes comes in. I have a winding career path. One that started with Public Health education, then turned into helping businesses get off the ground at Square, Inc., and then eventually turning my after-work hobby into a small business, XO Bakes.

In 2017 I started teaching group classes on cookie decorating in addition to designing custom cookie sets. My goal is to bring joy to others through group cookie decorating experiences and cute and tasty treats.

When I’m not working on XO Bakes, I’m usually at a San Francisco playground or park with my two kiddos.